Prices from £1199

Terms & Conditions

Your contract for the FitFarms residential weight loss week is with FitFarms Limited (Company number 6175466 registered in England ) The correspondence address is 8 Severnside Mill, Bewdley, Worcestershire, DY12 1AY

Preliminary Booking.

You must confirm your place on the residential weight loss week by paying a deposit of 30% of the chosen room rate or by requesting a specific date by writing to the company. The 30% deposit is refundable in the situation that FitFarms change the dates or cancel the residential weight loss week, otherwise the deposit is non refundable.

Payment of the deposit or the request of a specific date by writing constitutes acceptance by you of these terms and conditions set out below.

FitFarms will confirm to you in writing that your requested date has been confirmed. Upon receipt of written confirmation you are required to pay the balance of your chosen room rate within 60 days before the date of your weight loss course. In the case that the balance has not been paid as set out above we reserve the right to cancel your course and retain your deposit.

You shall be liable for 100% of the course fee if you cancel the course less than 60 days before the start of the residential weight loss week. If you are not able to join us due to ill health and you cancel within 60 days before the start of the course you are liable for 100% of the course fee.

FitFarms holds the right to cancel the course if the course is unsafe due to an Act of God or any other circumstance that is out of the companies control. In the case that the residential weight loss course is cancelled under circumstances that it is an Act of God or out of the companies control FitFarms Limited does not refund. Instead the full course fee can be transferred onto a future course.

The full course fee is refundable if FitFarms cancels the course and the course is safe to attend or not an Act of God.

1. The Weight Loss Course Includes.

  • Accommodation in twin or double bed en suite rooms
  • All food and beverages
  • Exercises
  • Nutrition Plan
  • Workshops

Please note that the program for the weight loss course may be changed at the discretion of FitFarms.

2. Insurance

Please note that FitFarms does not carry insurance to cover loss or damage to your personal goods and these remain at your own risk for the duration of the Weight-loss Week. FitFarms shall have no liability whatsoever for loss or damage to third party property. You are strongly recommended to take out your own travel insurance.

3. Your Health

It is a condition of acceptance on the residential weight loss week that you complete a PAR-Q.

Please note that all personal information supplied by you is subject to FitFarms’ Privacy Policy, a copy of which is available on request, and which can also be found on

FitFarms holds the right to postpone your course date if the health team feel that you are not physically or mentally able to attend the course. FitFarms does not refund in this situation but your course fee is transferable.

4. Exclusion of Warranties & Consequential Loss

Although FitFarms will provide all dietary and other health-related consultancy advice and exercise programmes with all the skill and care to be reasonably expected of an appropriately qualified provider of such services, it gives no other warranties or guarantees as to the precise results of the Weight-Loss Week. The success of the Weight-Loss Week for you will be directly influenced by your current health and body type. Self-discipline and effort will be required from you in order to ensure maximum benefit.

To the maximum extent permissible in law: a) all warranties, whether express or implied by statute, common law or otherwise are excluded; and b) in no event shall FitFarms, nor any of its employees, agents or other representatives be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages whatsoever, including without limitation damages for loss of profits or any other pecuniary or other loss whatsoever arising from or in connection with any of these Terms and Conditions.

5. Applicable Law

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and any disputes will be decided only by the English courts.

6. Miscellaneous

You may not assign or otherwise transfer any of your rights under these Terms and Conditions. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of that provision will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions, which shall remain in full force and effect.

Any tolerance or lenience by FitFarms in respect of a breach by you of these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver by FitFarms and it will still be entitled to all rights and remedies available to it under these Terms and Conditions or at law.

FitFarms shall not be responsible for any breach of these Terms and Conditions caused by circumstances beyond its control.

A person who is not a party to these Terms and Conditions shall have no right under the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of these Terms and Conditions but this shall not affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is available apart from that Act.

Any correspondence in respect of these Terms and Conditions should be addressed to FitFarms at its registered office set out at the beginning of these Terms and Conditions or sent by e-mail to

By paying a deposit you agree to FitFarms’ Conditions of Use & Sale

7. Dogs And Other Pets

FitFarms is a dog friendly establishment and other pets may be allowed at the discretion of the management.

8. Rooms

All rooms are en-suite on all the venues except the Devon venue where some rooms are shared bathrooms. You will not share with more than one other room.

9. Blood Testing

Blood testing is conducted whilst you are at the FitFarms residential course if you have paid extra for this service. The blood test fee is non refundable. In the case that your test comes back as a negative FitFarms will provide you with another test to complete outside of the residential course. In the case that your second test comes back as a negative FitFarms will pay the cost of the phlebotomy service.

Tour Operators Liability Insurance

We are fully indemnified in respect of Legal Liability arising from our business as a Tour Operator, including as an Organiser as defined in the Package Travel, Package Tours and Package Holidays Regulations 1992. Please be aware that under the Tour Operators Legislation there is no 14 day cooling off period.

We are the original FitFarms, featured on TV. Also featured in...

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  • Daily Mail
  • 5
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  • ITV News
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  • The Times