Posted on 3 Apr 2015

Weight Loss Camp Day Report - 27 March 2015

This special blog post report is what happened in one of our recent Fitfarms fat camp weeks as reported by one of our instructors.

Welcome back to Matlock for our 2nd mixed group of the year.

We are starting with a small group of just 13 people this week which is good in the way that we can focus our attention on the group more and it will be easier for us all to get to know each other but the atmosphere is never quite as thick in a small group as it is with a larger group so motivation and energy levels may suffer a little.

However, having met the group tonight I'm pretty sure the atmosphere will be just fine. We have a really lovely group this week some returners and some first timers and some great characters, the perfect ingredients for a good week. This evening we do very little, it is more about getting the group settled and answering any immediate questions they may have, but tomorrow?

Tomorrow will be another kind of experience! Until then I would like to welcome our new clients to FitFarms and wish them the greatest success for their time with us this week.

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