Posted on 18 Jul 2015

Matlock – Weight Loss Camp Day Report – 29 June 2015

This special blog post report is what happened in one of our recent Fitfarms fat camp weeks as reported by one of our instructors.

Allow me to first introduce myself being the newest member of the Fitfarms team. I am Sean from the midlands and after finishing my degree in sports science I progressed into GP Referral, injury rehabilitation and am now involved in nutritional therapy and life coaching.

Monday was a great day for all. It allowed us to venture off site on a beautiful sunny day to get some fresh air and a break from the lovely Darwin Lakes. I always try and find new and exciting ways for clients to exercise without really thinking that they are doing exercise like gym work or a studio class. For those who have a gym phobia there are many alternatives that increase heart rate, work the muscles, increase calorie burn and today's example of this was trail biking.

After our regular wake up work out to get everyone focused and alert for breakfast we had a lovely breakfast of Porridge with date puree, a great source of protein, fats and some carbohydrates to help get us through the day. Then it was off to Tissington Bike trail.

The bike trail is an old railway line that has been converted into a cycle and footpath. Being an old railway line it is perfect for those who have not been on a bike in a while as its nice and flat with no turn offs which caters for all abilities. Instructor Helen went off with the first group who raced quickly to reach the 6 mile mark within the hour time limit. I stayed towards the back with those who had chose to walk through the picturesque country side. These outings and walks allow staff and clients to mingle nicely, ask questions away from the group and just have a general chit chat and bonding session.

Once we had been on the trail for an hour the fun starts to begin. On the way out we go up a slight hill, hardly noticeable when your riding or walking but on the way back its just enough of a slope where you can free wheel easily back to the start put. Although we don't encourage competitive behaviour it always ends up being a little race back to the bike shed.

I love days like this. So many people think that to lose weight you have to go to a gym and stand on a treadmill or do a bootcamp class that you hate but this is just not true. Biking and walking is a phenomenal way to help keep the heart healthy, challenge our bodies and gets us active. The best thing is it can be done outside in the sun with beautiful surroundings.


Image Credit: Quotes.Land

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