Posted on 12 Jul 2015

Matlock – Weight Loss Camp Day Report – 27 June 2015

This special blog post report is what happened in one of our recent Fitfarms fat camp weeks as reported by one of our instructors.

To add to the excitement of the first day it looks like the warm weather is set to stay with us throughout the week. Measurements and workshops take place to begin but before long the women find themselves in their first exercise session of the week! Now this first circuit, also known as carry your excess is one of my favourite moments of the entire week. Here the ladies get a chance to show us there capabilities and really push themselves during a tough 3 round circuit class. By the time the circuit finishes fatigue has set in but there is a huge sense of achievement in the room.

The rest of day consists of varying exercise classes and leads to very tired ladies at the end of the evening. However all finish the day with a smile on their face and a positive attitude towards the rest of the week.


Image Credit: Quotes.Land

We are the original FitFarms, featured on TV. Also featured in...

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