Posted on 9 May 2015

Matlock – Weight Loss Camp Day Report – 27 Apr 2015

This special blog post report is what happened in one of our recent Fitfarms fat camp weeks as reported by one of our instructors.

This morning began with boxercise before breakfast, and this group in particular seem to enjoy a bit of boxing! Gets them very much up for exercise. Considering they are beginning their 3rd day of exercise they are pushing hard from the get go. They certainly have earned their breakfast this morning and look still ready for more. After breakfast it's off to Tissington trail for a cycle ride in perfect weather, the sun is shining, not a cloud in the sky and a nice cool breeze to encourage them to keep moving. On a whole the cycle ride was enjoyed some walked and cycled switching from pedal to push as and went they felt the need, some walked the whole thing and some cycled like children, bursting with energy! But all enjoyed it and that is the important thing. The bus journey back is around 40 mins so by the time we get back it's time for dinner and everyone eagerly hobbles with ever stiffening thigh muscles as quickly as they can manage to the dining room to get some warm soup and a nice portion of vegetables with risotto and stuffed pork.

This afternoon is the first of our nutrition workshops with Lesley and is accompanied by some agility work with myself, something we have started to include more and more is the agility games and exercises they can be great fun, team based, challenging and very varied so it makes for a really enjoyable afternoon, to end the day with today we have got PNF stretching with Dan this is an amazing way to loosen off and de stress the aching muscles at the end of a gruelling three days and as credit to the group they're efforts have been tremendous throughout so they have definitely earned a decent stretch and recovery session, tomorrow we begin again, over half way and still going strong well done girls a truly amazing effort today!

Andy Baker

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