Posted on 30 Apr 2015

Matlock – Weight Loss Camp Day Report – 24th Apr 2015

This special blog post report is what happened in one of our recent Fitfarms fat camp weeks as reported by one of our instructors.

And we're back again, after a peaceful and well earned 2 week break myself, Dan, Helen and Lynny are back here in Matlock for the start of another 2 weeks. This time however our second week is going to be our first week at the new glamping site, more about that later thou. The weather here in Matlock is beautiful, sunshine and a few clouds but not enough to worry us the site is set up and ready to go and now we are eagerly waiting to receive our new clients, fresh faced and full of energy everyone arrives in good time and gets settled into to their surroundings ready to begin.

As always this group is a total mix of the fitness levels, backgrounds abilities, likes and dislikes but they're all here for the right reasons.... Themselves! If there is anyone reading this blog who has not yet been to a course and is trying to work out if it's right for them? Then the only question you need to ask is "do I know what I need and what I want?" If the answer is yes then the course will work for you. We are not about one way to do things or setting the same routine for everyone, we see this course as a stepping stone a way to improve, to move forward with whatever your goals maybe and within reason we will do our best to help our clients achieve it, some like to be pushed, some like to be encouraged, some want the option to enjoy a little more free time and some want to be completely immersed in exercise and health and education. Then some come to lose weight and some come to get fit, some come as the first step in the right direction and some as a way of testing and challenging themselves.

So as long as you know what your looking for and what help you need if any the course can work for you which is exactly what we are hoping to prove this week to our new group of Fitfarm clients.

Andy Baker

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We are the original FitFarms, featured on TV. Also featured in...

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  • Daily Mail
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  • The Telegraph
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  • Channel 4
  • The Times