Posted on 14 May 2024

Managing Your Time And Exercise Schedule

Juggling Time Management And Exercise

Knowing where to begin when trying to kickstart your weight loss can be challenging. With so much to take into consideration, such a large variety of ways to diet, exercise and lose weight out there, it can become overwhelming to find a starting point.

Time management and pace is a key place to start when planning your weight loss journey.

How to manage your time

Time management can be overbearing, especially if you have kids, a busy social life or work schedule. Not planning out your weight loss will often lead to a non-progressive journey, making it challenging to keep to a diet and exercise regime. At FitFarms we recommend making an exercise schedule that realistically fits into your everyday life.

If you already have a calendar, find a couple of hours a week to prioritise keeping active. Whether it is a dog walk on the weekend or a gym class after work, having a few hours a week that you dedicate to maintaining regular exercise is important.

Remind yourself! It is so easy to forget to exercise or give yourself excuses. Incorporating exercise into your weekly routine will allow you to get used to being regularly active. Set yourself reminders and prioritise that time for yourself. Having a weekly class to attend or a gym partner can help with motivation when getting back into exercise. Making that first step for yourself is what counts.

If you do not have a calendar or do not tend to use reminders, start! Having an exercise schedule pinned on your fridge or in your bedroom is a good way to incorporate a daily reminder into your everyday routine.

Getting back into exercise

Along with time management, being realistic about how much exercise you fit into your routine is also vital in achieving a sustainable weight loss.

If your getting back into exercise after being non active for a while, take small steps. Start with low intensity exercise, a few walks a week or a couple hours of swimming is a good place to start. Slowly increase how much exercise your doing and the intensity of it to gradually get back into a steady exercise regime.

For more guidance about how much physical activity is recommended, follow the NHS guidelines or consult with your GP.

If you need further support with kickstarting your weight loss journey, our FitFarms team are specialists in supporting people through lifestyle change with a nurturing approach. Feel free to contact us via our contact page.

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