Posted on 28 Jun 2015

Malvern – Glamping Weight Loss Camp Day Report – Jun 2015

This special blog post report is what happened in one of our recent Fitfarms fat camp weeks as reported by one of our instructors. The image is a Sketch of the Malvern Glamping Weight Loss Camp by one of our participants.

It's an early morning start at the glamping weight loss camp and Sean one the fitness camp team is up extremely early showering and checking out that everyone is Ok and ready to go for another life changing day. Sean has just recently joined us and is an extremely up to date technical personal trainer. He has a great way of encouraging people and brings a lot of fun to the course.

It's wake up workout so down we go to the field below to the lower marquee with the large red mat. The music is on and the warm up begins. This is one of the best ways to wake up as we are in front of a lake with geese and swans listening to Sean's fantastic music track. It's retro and very up beat with burn baby burn as a very appealing appropriate fitness track.

After the first weight loss camp session we go into breakfast which is a lovely fruit salad with sesame seeds.

The group go back to their glamping tents and prepare for the course next session which is the famous carry your excess. This fitness session is circuit training with carrying light weights in your back pack. It is a tough one but it sets the standard for the week and the fitness standard is made manageable for everyone.

Then we go into an introduction to boxercise which is a technical but fun session. Slightly scary as well when we some the group of ladies really hitting hard!

Lunch is another spectacular event. Nearly all the food is from the organic farm and we are having a lovely spinach soup followed by a crustless quiche.

Once lunch has come to an end we are going back to the training area for some more exercise as a group. This time it's resistance with Helen and Andy which is received extremely well. Helen and Andy work extremely well in the fitness camp classes and really liven up the proceedings.

Mid afternoon there's a workshop and then dinner. One last session of the day being metafit which everyone loves. The best thing about our glamping courses is the community feel around the fire and in the restaurant area as everyone chats and shares the thoughts and feelings on the day that has past.

We are the original FitFarms, featured on TV. Also featured in...

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  • Channel 4
  • The Times