Posted on 24 Jun 2017

FitFarms Worcestershire Camping May 2017 Course

Andy BakerHaving just returned from our 2 weeks away on the FitFarms fitness retreat camping in the beautiful area near Malvern in Worcestershire I'm enjoying some well earned recovery and family time, after these two weeks I can honestly say that the team has never felt stronger! That's not to disrespect the previous members of staff who have always brought so much of their own experiences and knowledge to the clients on courses gone by. But after a typically tough 2 weeks of camping this team has pulled together and worked closer as a unit to make the experience for the clients and myself a smooth running and enjoyable one. Hats off to our team! As always there have been many memorable moments from these weeks some humorous like Matthew getting rubbed into a BIG PILE OF.... good luck!

Some wonderful like the spirit of the first group, the camaraderie from the whole team and the way they bonded and helped each other was amazing. The effort of our 2nd group and how it never wavered even when confronted with 50mph winds and flappy tents! Or the views we all had the pleasure to wake up to and relax in the evening with that made all the sweat and shivering of the day worth while.

It was really a great couple of weeks and I would like to thank all those involved for making it so.. never the less it was exhausting for us and for the clients and I for one am looking forward to the rest of my down time. I hope you are all well and making the most of your own downtime. Rest and recover!!

Andy Baker

We are the original FitFarms, featured on TV. Also featured in...

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  • Daily Mail
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  • The Telegraph
  • ITV News
  • Channel 4
  • The Times