Posted on 23 May 2024

Find Your Motivation

Discovering Your Weight Loss Motivation

Weight Loss Retreat Achieve Motivation

Motivation is one of the main challenges that comes alongside weight loss. A lot of people report of struggling to find motivation and even if they start off with motivation when kickstarting their weight loss journey, it often fades. Without motivation to stick to a exercise and meal plan, weight loss can become impossible. Losing that drive that initially pushed you to reach your goals is so easy making it a long and hard path in achieving weight loss.

So how can we sustain motivation throughout weight loss, and what can we do to bring back our drive to weight loss?

Reinforcing motivation

With approximately 63% of adults in the UK being classed as overweight and over half of the population reporting of want to lose weight, a lot of the population are facing the need to start a weight loss journey. But with that figure only rising a lot of that comes to down to the drive of motivation, not being able to start a weight loss journey or losing the will to carry on with a diet or exercise regime because that incentive can be so easily lost.

A lot of our clients at FitFarms join us because of their lose of motivation along their journey to weight loss. The FitFarms schedule is designed to enforce a kickstart to weight loss, alongside our workshops that are tailored to shape you with the correct tools and knowledge to succeed a progressive weight loss.

So how can we reinforce that motivation every day, and where should we look to find it in the first place?

Focusing on why you want to lose weight is the core of where we can find our individual motivation. Whether its for health reasons, improving your general quality of life or wanting to boost your self-confidence, identify the reasons your starting or started your weight loss journey initially. Then, what benefits is this going to bring to your life. Visual how you want your life to look, how will your weight loss improve your life. Working on yourself and bringing out the best version of you will guarantee to bring so many benefits to your life in whatever way that looks, but visualising how it’ll effect your life as a individual is going to push that drive even further. Identify your goals, and identify how achieving them goals is going to change your life for the better.

Write it down!

Having a physical reminder is proven to boost motivation. A study done by Dr. Gail Matthews showed that writing down your goals makes you 42% more likely to achieve them than just thinking about it. Marking down what you want to achieve clarifies your intentions of the journey your about to take, while creating a solid plan to follow that you can physically see laid out in front of you.

When you feel like your motivation is slipping you can go back to your journal to remind yourself on why you went out to achieve this is in the first place. Remind yourself and then remind yourself again! Don’t loose sight of your goals and reinforce that drive every day.

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