Posted on 22 Nov 2014

Increasing Metabolic Rate

The metabolic rate is the way humans, and in fact all animals, use energy to live. This can be anything from sleeping to climbing a mountain. The rate the metabolism works will vary depending on age, activity, and genetics. It is possible to have a slow metabolic rate, however the medical profession consider it rare, and it is not believed to be the cause of weight gain.

The body converts food and drink into the energy that is needed to get you through the day, this process is the metabolism. The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the number of calories required to support the daily activities, such as breathing, and even cell repair. It is considered men have less body fat and more muscle mass, and therefore their BMR is likely to be faster. Age will effect muscle mass, and a decrease will reduce the rate calories are burned. The greater the weight or muscle mass the more calories are burned, therefore increasing the metabolic rate.

Unfortunately it’s not possible to control your metabolic rate, but it is possible to increase the calories you burn through physical activity. Aerobic exercise is an excellent way to burn calories, strength training is ideal to increase muscle mass, and therefore to lose weight and burn extra calories.

Some foods have been attributed with aiding and increasing the metabolic rate. Foods that contain capsaicin, such as peppers, and cayenne, will temporarily increase circulation and BMR. Whole grains are complex carbohydrates that stabilise the insulin levels, but at the same time speed up the BMR. Broccoli stands out against other vegetables as being high in vitamins A, K, and C. Research suggests that soups, green tea, citrus fruits, apples and pears are all excellent for increasing the BMR. Foods rich in calcium and omega 3 are not only beneficial to everyone, but also boost the metabolism.


Health and Fitness Advice by FitFarms Editorial Team

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