Posted on 12 Nov 2016

Importance of Proper Breathing

proper breathing exerciseThe importance of proper breathing as we will be practising at the Devon weight loss boot camp and all our other UK Retreats

Most people breath using their chest and so don’t fully utilise their lung capacity. Breathing from the abdomen deeply, not only is good for fitness but it can also assist with weight loss alongside a healthy controlled diet. Deep diaphragm breathing techniques as shown by our Fitness and weigh loss boot camp trainers and yoga instructors will really help change your life.

Aside from weight loss proper breathing can assist in getting a decent nights sleep. Breathing deeply in and out of the nose enables the hair follicles and mucus membrane to act as natural filters, purifying the air going into our lungs. Similarly to how a day out in the fresh air feels on one of our Fitfarms Boot camp retreats you to can achieve something similar in everything you do by breathing completely and fully using deep abdominal breathing. When breathing fully your organs work optimally and your are able to regulate your mind and body, thus helping in getting a good nights sleep.

There are three basic types of breathing. Clavicular breathing is the most shallow and worst possible type. The shoulders and collarbone are raised awhile the abdomen is contracted during inhalation. Maximum effort is made but a minimum amount of air is obtained, Intercostal breathing is done with the rib muscles expanding the rib cage and is the second type of incomplete breathing. Deep abdominal breathing is the best during your stay at our boot camp as it brings air into the lowest and largest part of the lungs. Breathing is slow and deep, and proper use is made of the diaphragm and so assisting with your exercise at Fitfarms.

Actually none of the types are complete. A full yogic breath combines all three, beginning with a deep breath and continuing the inhalation through the intercostal and clavicular areas. To get the feel of proper diaphragmatic breathing, which you will experience on our Boot camps wear loose clothing and lie on the back. Place the hand on the upper abdomen, where the diaphragm is located. Breathe in and out slowly. The abdomen should expand outward as you inhale and contract as you exhale. Try to get the feeling of this motion.

To experience a ‘full yogic breathe’, sit up and place one hand on the abdomen and the other on the rib cage. Breathe in slowly; expand the abdomen, then the rib cage and finally the upper portion of the lungs. Then, breathe out in the same manner, letting the abdomen cave in as you exhale then the rib cage. This is the best type of breathing to do, not only at our weight loss boot camp but when walking or driving or doing just about anything.

Special blog post from Claire Swaffield, FitFarms Yoga Instructor and Behaviour Change Expert/Facilitator

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